Arm Workout For Girl Gains - Leggings Are Pants
Arm and Shoulder Workouts 

Arm Workout For Girl Gains

Arm Workout For Girl Gains

Hey guys! Sorry about the frame, forgot to change settings!!! I promise to fit it for next time!

I know that not every girl wants huge arms, but trust me, growing your arms is harder than you think. Doing bicep and tricep exercises will help you with your other lifts AND make your awesome shoulders pop even more. So check out the full workout below or at the end of the video 🙂

ACE certified personal trainer
ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist

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1. dumbell bicep curl 4 x 10 each arm
2. cable bicep curl with rope 4 x 12-15
3. cable bicep curls 4 x 10-12
4. tricep extension with straight bar 4 x 10-12
5. single arm tricep extension 4 x 12-15 each arm
6. overhead tricep extension with rope 4 x 15
7. tricep extension with V bar 4 x 10-12


Arm Workout For Girl Gains

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