Hip Stability Drills & Self Assessment for Runners -Greensboro, NC - Leggings Are Pants

Hip Stability Drills & Self Assessment for Runners -Greensboro, NC

Hip Stability Drills & Self Assessment For Runners -Greensboro, NC

Hip Stability Drills & Self Assessment for Runners

In this video I run through a quick self-assessment, squat and single leg squat, so you can determine if you are at risk for a running related injury or have a hip instability. If your knees wobble or swing to the inside/mid-line, you have hip instability. You can try these in front of a mirror or just look down to see what your knees are doing.

I follow up with some drills to improve your hip and leg stability. These are important to master so that even at the end of your run your legs are stable and strong, which means that your hips are stable and strong. This will help prevent injuries such as plantar fasciitis, patella-femoral syndrome, IT band syndrome, knee bursitis, Piriformis syndrome, etc.

Start all exercises with bare feet, to give you the best chance of balancing without wobbling. Your bare feet have the best feel and proprioception on the ground. One you master these without wobbling in bare feet progress to wearing your running shoes.

The exercises are:
Standing Balance with your knee at 90 degrees, standing leg slightly bent – 2 sets of 30-90 seconds.
Standing Balance with your knee & Hip at 90/90, standing leg slightly bent – 2 sets of 30-90 seconds
High Knee Step Back with Arm Swing – 3 sets of 10
High Knee Marching -hands on head then opposite arms – 30-90 seconds
Standing Foot Raise – hands on head 3 sets of 10

Also, check out my blog post on running

Start with standing knee raise and standing foot raise. when stable progress by adding moving knee raise and side leg raise. then when rock solid stable, progress to adding marching.

If these exercises do not address your issues please contact us for an appointment or call your local physical therapist.


Hip Stability Drills & Self Assessment For Runners -Greensboro, NC

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