How to make yogurt (at home!) - Leggings Are Pants
Organic Recipes 

How to make yogurt (at home!)

How To Make Yogurt (at Home!)

Live longer. Yogurt, Food of the Gods, Healthy organic food, home-made yogurt. Fresher, taste better, is truly a perfect food. In ancient Persia it was called a food that the Gods ate, it gave them long life and strength. They added honey, nuts, and fruit to their “God Food”. In the Middle East, some put hot pepper, garlic, nuts in it. Greece, France, Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Tibet all have their own wonderful recipes. But the home made yogurt truly tastes better. This video shows in 3 minutes how to do it the “old fashioned way” that your grandmother made it. It works. Enjoy!


How To Make Yogurt (at Home!)

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