The Evolution of the Mobile Phone Perfectly Illustrated in One Image - Leggings Are Pants

The Evolution of the Mobile Phone Perfectly Illustrated in One Image

The Evolution Of The Mobile Phone Perfectly Illustrated In One Image

Since Motorola’s senior engineer Martin Cooper made the first ever mobile phone call to a rival telecommunications company to let them know he was calling from a mobile back in 1973, mobile phones have come a long way. Motorola’s first ever mobile phone, the Dynatac 8000X which was released in 1983, weighed an impressive 1.75lb’s and stood at 13-inches tall, a far cry from the compact handheld smartphones that we’re used to today.

It was Motorola that paved the way for nearly a decade until 1992 when Nokia showed up with the 1011. Mobile phones began to get smaller as manufactures were able to shrink the technology needed to make a functioning mobile until we were left with the likes of the Nokia 3310, a phone famed for it’s amazing battery and incredible durability compared to what’s on offer at the moment.

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The Evolution Of The Mobile Phone Perfectly Illustrated In One Image

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