
41 Purple Fruits and Vegetables to Add a Pop of Color to Your Plate

41 Purple Fruits and Vegetables Eating purple fruits and vegetables is an easy and fun way to make sure you’re consuming a diverse array of nutrients and vitamins. While some fruits and vegetables are purely purple of their own accord – such as blackberries and eggplant – some have been purposefully bred to be purple by nature, traditional agriculture, or selective breeding. Why Are Purple Foods So Healthy? Purple fruits and vegetables contain compounds called anthocyanins, which give foods that royal hue – anywhere from deep red-orange to striking violet…

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Organic Recipes 

Costco Organic Mango Smoothie with Frozen Banana – One Minute Recipes

The best way to use frozen mango from Costco. Where to Find Le Tour de Plants ★ YouTube Channel: ★ Facebook: ★ Instagram: ★ Strava: ★ Twitter: ★ About Le Tour de Plants ★ I’ve spent the last 5 years trying to become fit and healthy, and have lost 50 lbs so far. Le Tour de Plants is about my journey to health, being motivated after my father died of a heart attack in 2001. Now, I’m a competitive cyclist fueled by plant based foods.…

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