4X National Champion John D. Villarreal – Leg Workout – Jumping Squats - Leggings Are Pants - 4X National Champion John D. Villarreal - Leg Workout - Jumping Squats

4X National Champion John D. Villarreal – Leg Workout – Jumping Squats

4X National Champion John D. Villarreal - Leg Workout - Jumping Squats

4X National Champion John D. Villarreal – Leg Workout – Jumping Squats

JDV is back with the workout videos!

This time JDV is at Crossfit Wellington doing some jumping squats.

Special thinks to Will and the great team at Crossfit Wellington for allowing me to use their great facility: crossfitwellington.com/

Note: Crossfit Wellington did not pay me to make this video, but they did allow me to train and film this video for free.


4X National Champion John D. Villarreal - Leg Workout - Jumping Squats

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