Leg Day – Intermediate Home Workout - Leggings Are Pants - Leg Day - Intermediate Home Workout
Leg Workouts 

Leg Day – Intermediate Home Workout

Leg Day - Intermediate Home Workout

Home Intermediate Leg Workout

This is a complete intermediate bodybuilding workout for gaining muscle and getting stronger, all you need is a used set of dumbbells and your carpeted floor. My intermediate home workout plan is a 3 day split, meaning that it takes three workouts to exercise the entire body. My intermediate home workout consists of a four day repeating cycle: a push workout, a pull workout, a leg workout (this one), and a rest day. This workout will take you about 60 minutes to complete.

I know some of you think that leg workouts that dont contain both squats and deadlifts are not really workouts at all. For you, I ask you to remember that squats and deadlifts are not appropriate for everyone. You dont want to scoobysworkshop.com/2013/03/22/snapped-my-shit-up-deadlifting/


Leg Day - Intermediate Home Workout

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