
Pixar short ‘Kitbull’ will make you cry with its unlikely dog-kitten friendship

Oh, you were having a pretty cry-free day, huh? Hit play on Pixar’s newest short and you’ll be a puddle of tears. Kitbull, directed by Rosana Sullivan and produced by Kathryn Hendrickson, follows the unlikely animal friendship between an abused pitbull and a self-reliant but easily scared stray kitten, set in San Francisco’s Mission District. It’s not often animation tackles the devastating subject of animal abuse, but Kitbull does with heartbreaking insight. And it’s a 2D animated short, which isn’t the usual realm for Pixar. “To be fully honest, it…

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Food Food Videos 

FOOD PORN at Disney! (California Adventure)

Disney California Adventure at Disneyland has some of the best Theme Park Food on the planet! In this video I show you a handful of the tasty delights to be had at this popular California resort destination. Twitter: @MrMorganOBrien “Travel Secrets”: Blue Bayou Restaurant: source

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