Straight Leg Raise: Best Lower Ab Exercises - Leggings Are Pants
Ab Workouts 

Straight Leg Raise: Best Lower Ab Exercises

Straight Leg Raise: Best Lower Ab Exercises : The Straight leg raise works the lower abdominal area.
The specific muscle that is being targeted is the rectus abdominus .
To perform the straight leg raise, lie on your back and place your hands under your lower back for support. Keep your legs straight and lift your legs upwards by contracting your abdominals until they are 90 degrees to the floor. Lower down slowly to a few inches off the floor. Do not let your back arch while doing this exercise.
Breathe out as you lift your legs upwards and breathe in as you lower them down to the floor.
For more lower ab exercises go to:


Straight Leg Raise: Best Lower Ab Exercises

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