350 Rep Leg Workout Featuring 10 Sets of Squats - Leggings Are Pants
Leg Workouts 

350 Rep Leg Workout Featuring 10 Sets of Squats

350 Rep Leg Workout Featuring 10 Sets Of Squats

Marc and Katie Lobliner complete a leg workout with:

Leg Curl/Leg Extension: 5 sets 15 reps
Safety Bar Squats: 10 sets 5 reps
Leg Press/Calf Raise: 5 sets 20 reps

Buy Overtraining Solution HERE! www.tigerfitness.com/Ambrosia-Overtraining-Solution-40-Servings-p/1002645.htm

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In this video Marc and Katie crush a leg workout!

Related Videos:
Mr. Olympia Phil Heath Trains Legs (Hamstrings) with Marc Lobliner 3 Weeks Out: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWDfDgsMy48
Long Awaited LEG CRUSH IT SESSION with Doug Miller, Rich Homie Sean and Marc Lobliner: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML3J704PGOE
Leg Workouts For Mass | The 5/10/15 Method: www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8qABHXqnD0

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I am Marc Lobliner, CEO of MTS Nutrition. MTS Nutrition is more than just a supplement line to me. It’s my story. It has a meaning and a purpose. Each MTS Nutrition product embodies my passion for health and fitness, and echoes the struggles of my past and the lives that my products help to change on a daily basis.

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350 Rep Leg Workout Featuring 10 Sets Of Squats

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