30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge (full movie) - Leggings Are Pants
Organic Recipes 

30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge (full movie)

30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge (full Movie)

Regular green smoothie consumption can help you lose weight, improve energy levels, reduce craving for bad food, and make you feel all around awesome! The new and improved 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge brings you yummy smoothie recipes, detailed ingredient shopping lists, and valuable tips and tricks that will help make your new healthy habit stick. Give it a try; you won’t regret it!

#GreenSmoothie #GreenSmoothieChallenge #BoutenkoFilms


30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge eBook: sergeiboutenko.com/shop/

Get a Vitamix: www.dpbolvw.net/click-8738261-13084479

Looking for a new challenge? Watch my fitness documentary: youtu.be/0ted-vl-Vd0

What is the 30-day green smoothie challenge?

The main purpose of a 30-day green smoothie challenge is to motivate you to take charge of your health in a manageable fashion. I believe that anyone who completes this challenge will feel happier and healthier after a month of regular smoothie consumption. The challenge is simple, and straightforward, and requires minimal effort. All you have to do is drink one quart (or liter if you’re in Europe) of freshly made green smoothie everyday for one month in addition to your pre-existing diet. It’s as easy as that! You don’t even need to plan a far-off start date, you can begin any day you please.

What Results You Can Expect From This Program?

Amazing things happen to people who add green smoothies into their daily routines. The 30-day smoothie challenge described in this ebook helped me achieve a superior level of health and a rock-solid immune system. This same challenge has helped others to shed unwanted weight, allowing them to feel more energetic and light on their feet, while dramatically reducing stomach bloating and inflammation throughout the bodies. It led to regular, healthy bowel movements, eradicated depression, cured insomnia, promoted faster muscle recovery and contributed to countless other positive changes. The premise of the entire challenge is based on the idea that fresh, organic, whole food provides an overwhelmingly positive effect on the human body. Thus, by drinking smoothies, which are made from the “good stuff,” (i.e., vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants) you are adding exponentially more nutrients into your diet and benefiting from it accordingly. If you follow the guidelines of this challenge and drink home-made smoothies for 30 consecutive days, I am confident you will achieve your own fantastic hard-to-believe-it’s-true results.

~~~To learn more about me personally visit~~~


I also have a book about wild edibles: amzn.com/1583946020

Finally, go check out my documentaries:
I Want Abs (vimeo.com/ondemand/iwantabs)

Common Weeds And Wild Edibles Of The World (vimeo.com/ondemand/wildedibles)

Powered By Green Smoothies (vimeo.com/ondemand/greensmoothies)


30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge (full Movie)

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