Ab Workouts That WORK! - Leggings Are Pants
ab workoutsAb Workouts 

Ab Workouts That WORK!

Ab Workouts That WORK!

The Complete Ab Workouts Guide For Beginners to Proven Workouts For Tight, Flatter Abs

What is the Best Abdomnial Workout?

Aerobic exercises are a popular choice for those who want to lose weight. This is because it boosts the heart rate and burns more calories. The best ab workout is a point of contention.  Crunches, leg lifts, planks, weighted vs non weighted, medicine ball ab exercises…the truth is they are all effective abdominal workouts.

Aerobic workouts can be any activity that uses large muscle groups in a rhythmic way, such as running, cycling or swimming. The person breathes deeply and regularly during this type of exercise.

Abdominal exercises are a well-known aerobic workout routine which is popular among those who want to lose weight.  The abs are the beneficiary of any of these exercises since the core must be engaged to complete any aerobic activity.

How to Do the Plank Pose & Proper Techniqueab workouts - Ab Workouts That WORK!

The Plank Pose is an excellent exercise that strengthens the core and upper body. It also stretches the shoulders, back and hamstrings.

Here are some steps on how to do the Plank Pose:

1) Start by lying face down with your elbows bent out to the sides. Rest your weight on your toes, palms, forearms and toes. Keep your head up and back straight at all times.

2) Slowly raise yourself into a push-up position, balancing only on the balls of your feet, toes, palms and forearms. Slowly lower yourself back to start position without allowing your butt to sag towards the floor or letting your back sag towards the ceiling.

3) Push up again for 1-3 reps before lowering yourself again for 1-3 reps or until you cannot continue.

30 Day Ab Challenge | Leaner, Toned Abs

The 30 Day Ab Challenge is an exercise program that provides participants with a guide for performing healthy exercises. Participants can shed some pounds and tone their abs in just 30 days.

Exercises are at the core of the ab challenge. They provide participants with easy-to-understand instructions, illustrations, and videos to make sure they are doing it right. The 30 Days Ab Challenge also comes with a meal plan to help you get on track with your fitness goals.

A Complete Guide to Essential Exercises for a Well-Balanced Core

Our core is the foundation of our body. The core is made up of the muscles that are found between the pelvis and rib cage. It includes the transverse abdominus, multifidus, diaphragm, pelvic floor muscles, pelvic organs, spinal column and abdominal viscera.

This section will be about different exercises that are helpful for a well-balanced core muscle group.

The first exercise is called ‘The Plank’. This exercise is done by holding your body so that it forms a horizontal straight line from head to feet with minimal sagging in the hips or lower back. Try to place your weight on your toes and forearms so you can improve balance as well as strengthen your arms and upper back. The plank should be held for at least 30 seconds.

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Ab Workouts That WORK!

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