Body Challenge 2008 – Gilad Arms Workout - Leggings Are Pants - Body Challenge 2008 - Gilad Arms Workout
Arm and Shoulder Workouts 

Body Challenge 2008 – Gilad Arms Workout

Body Challenge 2008 - Gilad Arms Workout

Amazing Arm and Shoulder Workouts That Aren’t Too Hard on the Joints

What is a Gilad Arm and Shoulder Workout?

The Gilad Arm and Shoulder Workout is a high intensity workout that was designed by Gilad Pellaeon, a fitness expert. The workout is for your arms and shoulders. It is a 10 minute routine that will have you working your way from the top of your arm all the way to the bottom in a total of 27 exercises.

This workout can be used in conjunction with any other type of weight training program to help build muscle in the upper body. The whole routine should take no more than 10 minutes so it can be done at home or even in a hotel gym if you’re traveling.

The Arm and Shoulder Workout Routinearm and shoulder workout - Body Challenge 2008 - Gilad Arms Workout

A workout routine that will help to strengthen the arm and shoulder muscles is as follows: –

5 sets of 10-12 reps of bench press using a weight that is 80% max bench press weight. Each set should be followed with 2 sets of 10 reps of lateral raises, bicep curl, triceps extension, shoulder press, upper back row and bent over dumbbell row.

Final Thoughts on Best Arm Workouts

The arms are the second largest muscle group in our body and they form a crucial part of our core. As we age we lose muscle mass and the biceps and triceps droop. So, it’s important to exercise them regularly to avoid injury and improve posture.

There are many exercises that can be done at home or at the gym to ensure that your arm muscles are healthy and strong. You will need to lift heavy weights but remember not to compromise form for weight-lifting.

Here is a list of exercises you can do: – Bicep Curl: This is a simple exercise for building strength in your biceps; this has been done by Arnold Schwarzenegger in his movies.


Body Challenge 2008 - Gilad Arms Workout

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