Booty burn! A workout to grow your butt, not your quads - Leggings Are Pants
Butt Workouts 

Booty burn! A workout to grow your butt, not your quads

Booty Burn! A Workout To Grow Your Butt, Not Your Quads

These exercises won’t get you sweaty and burning lots of calories like squats and lunges will, but they will help you get a round butt, without increasing the size of your legs. The exercises are supposed to be slow and controlled (I have just sped them up for the purpose of this video).

Complete each exercise for 30-45 secs (if it is an exercise using one leg, do 30-45 secs on each leg). Keep rest to a minimum. Complete 2-3 rounds in total.

The last exercise is a challenge! You don’t have to do this one, I just put it in there for people who want a little bit extra 😉


Booty Burn! A Workout To Grow Your Butt, Not Your Quads

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