The Most Super Simple Henna Recipe (Organic) - Leggings Are Pants
Organic Recipes 

The Most Super Simple Henna Recipe (Organic)

The Most Super Simple Henna Recipe (Organic)

This henna recipe uses basic ingredients to create safe and deep staining henna stains!

**This recipe calls for Rajastani Henna Powder since it has a dye release time much faster then other henna powders available, therefore saving you time as well!**

For this recipe you will need:
–50 gms (1/2 cup) Rajastani Henna powder
–25 gms (1/8th cup) sugar
–15 ml (1 tablespoon) lavender essential oil (tea tree, eucalyptus and cajeput can also be used, or in combination as well)
–118 ml (1/2 cup) water (half mixed in at different times)

1.) Place all ingredients into a mixing bowl (ceramic is best).
2.) Pour in about 1/4 cup water, a little at a time, until you reach a thick mashed potato like consistency.
3.) cover with plastic wrap and keep in a warm place like the oven (turned off) with the light turned on for warmth, or under a lamp.
4.) Rajastani henna powder is usually ready in about 6-8 hours, if it’s really cold it could take longer. One trick is to put a dot on the palm of your hand for 5 mins and wipe off and if its bright orange then its ready (video to come!)
5.)Add the rest of the water until you reach a toothpaste like consistency and then you’re ready to use your henna paste!

**To purchase cones and powder visit my website (US only)

If you have any questions please DM me on Instagram or send me an email at: [email protected]

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The Most Super Simple Henna Recipe (Organic)

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