40 Min. STRONGER: Hybrid Legs Workout – Dumbbells + Bodyweight | HIIT/STRONGER 02: Day 16

Please be sure to click the “🔔” next to the SUBSCRIBE button to join our Notification #FBFam and NEVER miss a workout ________________________ ✔ FREE 30 DAY FOOD GUIDE! bit.ly/30DayFoodGuide ► JOIN THE FIST BUMP FAMILY FistBumpFamily.com ► SUPPORT US HERE bit.ly/MHPayPal ► GET FIST BUMP GEAR bit.ly/BFBTees ► FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/yaboymillhoy/ ► SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL goo.gl/knLuMe ________________________ [Est. Calories Burned: 185-479] Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine. Equipment Needed: Dumbbells or Bodyweight Workout Breakdown: Warm-up/Stretch — 00:28 / 02:34…

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