Slim Legs Workout (7 Minutes) - Leggings Are Pants
slim legs workoutFitness 

Slim Legs Workout (7 Minutes)

Slim Legs Workout (7 Minutes)

Slim Legs Workout

This 7 Minute at home workout will help you get slimmer thighs and legs in no time! We want you to learn How To Get Skinny Legs by using Cardio For Fat Loss and Lean Legs. You will learn at least 10 ways to tone up and get smaller thighs. You can’t spot-reduce fat or target-tone certain areas of your body. Our genetics determine the types of muscle fibers we have, it determines our ratio of testosterone to estrogen and where we store body fat.

This circuit of thigh-slimming exercises will help strengthen your whole lower body—especially your quads, hamstrings, abductors, and adductors (or the front, back, outside, and inside of your thighs, respectively). Target your upper legs from every angle with this thigh-slimming exercise designed to hit your inner thighs, quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Why You Need Cardio For Lean Legs

Cardio changes the way that your body burns fat and is great for your heart.. When you increase your heart rate, it improves your overall health. It doesnt have to be the main workout in your arsenal, but it should be something that you do with intention.

DO MORE EFFECTIVE CARDIO – Low to moderate intensity cardio such as fasted walking is the key to getting slim legs. Walking is the best type of exercise for lean legs.

It will help get rid of excess fat on your legs and lean them out. And walking burns a surprisingly high number of calories. When you do cardio at a low to moderate intensity i.e. walking, your body burns stored glycogen (carbs) first, and then fats. The longer you exercise, the more fat your body will burn. So, by doing longer power walks, your body will burn more fat and it will help you get lean legs.

Lean Leg Plan

Understand that exercise alone won’t get you those great looking, lean and skinny legs if you are eating a ton of junk food like cookies and slim jims. Eat a healthy, whole food diet LISS exercises (low intensity steady state), walking/cardio daily (30 minutes) Stretching nearly every day is just as vital as exercise Do high intensity (HIIT) exercises at least twice a week (*15-minute HIIT Full Body Workouts) Do strength training 2 to 3 times per week (upper body) slim leg workoug - Slim Legs Workout (7 Minutes)

Shaping, toning, and strengthening your thigh muscles is good for you. Stronger thighs mean you’ll you faster, jump higher, and improve your overall stability. That’s why strengthening the legs is a much better goal than simply attaining smaller thighs. It’s important to note that improving your fitness does not necessarily mean losing weight. But, if getting leaner and changing your body composition is also a goal, you’ll need to burn more calories than you consume. If weight loss and having slimmer legs is also a goal, dietary changes combined with strength and aerobic exercise will help you lose fat, gain muscle, and improve your overall fitness.

♡ Combine with my 3 Day Detox:

♡ Sign up for the waitlist for weight loss and toning program:


Welcome back loves! This week, you will be doing a 7 minute workout to target the legs and thighs. It might sound short, but trust me it is intense and really burns the thighs.

Complete the whole routine once a day and if you want to burn fat, then combine with a fat burning, cardio workout on my channel and a balanced diet

Let me know in the comments below what you thought was the hardest workout.

Love, Holly xx



[email protected]


Slim Legs Workout (7 Minutes)

Slim Legs Workout (7 Minutes)

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