Killer 90 Second Ab Workout - Leggings Are Pants
Ab Workouts 

Killer 90 Second Ab Workout

Killer 90 Second Ab Workout

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See how to get flat lower abs with a ruler @

For the best results Do this ab workout 1-to-8 times per day 1-to-3 days per week to build up and define your abs. You can do the 90 second part only and/or the 2 minute ab workout in the video.

This ab workout WILL help you build six pack abs but do not expect it to get rid of belly fat so even though this ab workout is real good killer ab workout you will still need diet and exercise at the end of the day to truly get a six pack you can see or a belly or a midsection that is truly flat so to lose belly fat…

Go on one of these diets on youtube @

Do the fat loss workouts on youtube @

You can also check out my definitive guide to getting abs at

Tip: there is no need to do easy ab exercises where you can do more than 15, 30 or 100 reps per set. those type of ab exercises are basically useless for helping you build up your abs but with that said…

There are really no bad ab exercises or workout but once you are able to easily complete 15 or more reps on a given ab exercises then it is definitely time to make that exercise harder and in most cases that may mean adding weight and if you’re doing situps sort of like in the ab workout above then you can simply use an incline bench increasing the angle to increase the intensity of the ab workout each time you do it.

With regards to the killer 90 second ab workout in the video above…

To make it much more intense or hardcore for your abs duing the workout you can raise your hands higher but no more higher then your ears with your arms covering up your ears.

You can place your feet closer to your body or to your butt to make this ab workout tougher.

You can use weights (not ankle weights) by placing the weights at the least around your neck area or to make this ab workout very hardcore or “more killer” you can raise your arms up high while holding a weight overhead.

Important teaching cues to go along with this ab exercise

1. these are almost like situps where you getting more benefit by holding during the part where your abs are doing most of the work (see more teaching cues on this other ab exercise video at

2. Make sure that your chin is tucked into your chest.

3. Make sure your back is rounded (not flat) or curved like the letter C.

4. lean back (all the way back) until your feel your abs or midsection tighten up and then hold it for 5 seconds

You could also of course make this killer 90 second ab workout tougher if you hold each rep longer 5 seconds but of course the ab workout will extend longer than 90 seconds just like the 2nd part of this video.

More six pack ab exercises and workouts:

Get rid of love handles:

Beat by The Passion HiFi @

I’m Adrian Bryant & I’m the guy who created to help you look good naked. See the people I’ve already helped look good naked here:



Killer 90 Second Ab Workout

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