Minimalist Isolation Workouts for Arms, Shoulders, Abs - Leggings Are Pants
Ab Workouts 

Minimalist Isolation Workouts for Arms, Shoulders, Abs

Minimalist Isolation Workouts For Arms, Shoulders, Abs

In addition to my regular minimalist workouts (consisting of 3 compound exercises: 1 lower body, 1 upper body pull, & 1 upper body push movement), I also perform an occasional isolation workout for arms, shoulders, and core/abs.

Although the compound exercises I use in my regular full body workouts do target every major muscle group, certain areas of the body may still fall behind as far as strength or development if not trained in isolation.

Because part of my objective with minimalist training is to keep the workouts brief and intense, to train each muscle group with higher frequency, and to keep it simple, for my isolation training sessions I typically choose 2 exercises and perform 5 supersets of 10-15 reps. For example:

Isolation Workout #1: Biceps and Triceps
-Barbell or Dumbbell Curls (standing, incline, or “preacher”)
SuperSet with:
-Tricep Extension (Pushdowns, Headcavers, or Overhead Extension)

Isolation Workout #2: Rear & Medial Deltoids
-Rear Flyes (cable, machine, dumbbells)
SuperSet with:
-Lateral Side Raises

Isolation Workout #3: Core
-Hanging or Lying Leg Raises
SuperSet with:
-Ab Wheel Rollouts or V-Sit Ups

These brief isolation workouts can be performed on “off” days during the week, or directly after one of my regular full body workouts.

I hope you enjoyed the video. If you have any questions or comments post them below. If you liked the video, give it a LIKE, & subscribe to stay updated on new videos.


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I’m a certified personal trainer, former competitive strength athlete, and currently a National Level Men’s Physique competitor. My goal is to help you reach your goals, so take a minute to post a COMMENT if you have any questions and let me know what videos you’d like to see next , related to #nutrition, #fitness, #performance, #FatLoss, or #muscle-building!


ARTWORK was created by myself and my designer and is a 100% original graphic with full proprietary commercial rights to all content.

Kevin MacLeod –
Marc Freccero –

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Minimalist Isolation Workouts For Arms, Shoulders, Abs

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