Booty and Legs Home Workout (no equipment needed) - Leggings Are Pants
Butt Workouts Leg Workouts 

Booty and Legs Home Workout (no equipment needed)

Booty And Legs Home Workout (no Equipment Needed)

Check out this awesome booty and legs low impact home workout!

Format: do 1-3 rounds for prescribed reps

Booty and legs
1. Full Body Extensions (20)
2. Straight Leg Extensions (25 each leg)
3. Leg Circles (15 clockwise, 15 counterclockwise each leg)
4. Ceiling Stomps (15 each leg)
5. Elevated Alternating Bridge (10)
6. Single Leg Squat and Forward Fold (10 each leg)
7. Alternating Tabletop Lifts (10 each leg)

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Booty And Legs Home Workout (no Equipment Needed)

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