Leg Workout With A Bosu Ball - Leggings Are Pants

Leg Workout With A Bosu Ball

Leg Workout With A Bosu Ball

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There are hundreds of exercises you can do using a BOSU ball to target your body from
head-to-toe, but this week we are targeting the legs. Whether you have used a BOSU ball before or this is your first time exposed this piece of equipment, I hope this workout inspires you
to get up and workout!

20 Side-to-side jumps (right/left is 1 rep)
20 side-to-side squats
20 lunges with back foot on BOSU ball (10 each leg)
20 jump-to-stabilization (progression: high knee jump-to-stabilization)
Rest 1 minute
Repeat 3x

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Leg Workout With A Bosu Ball

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