Runners Lunge With Twist: Strength Training Without the Gym - Leggings Are Pants

Runners Lunge With Twist: Strength Training Without the Gym

Runners Lunge With Twist: Strength Training Without The Gym

This routine requires no equipment, which means it can be done in your backyard or at a local park (or in the privacy of your living room, of course). Perform once or twice a week after an easy run.

Start in downward dog. Lift your right leg and bring it forward to your right hand. With your left hand planted, lift your right arm up to the sky and twist your body to face it. Look at your right hand, and hold for 3 seconds. Place your right hand back down, and pull your right leg back to downward dog. Repeat on the left side. Do 10 times on each side.


Runners Lunge With Twist: Strength Training Without The Gym

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