Killer Stability Ball Abs, Booty & Arm Workout w/ Chalene Johnson - Leggings Are Pants
Arm and Shoulder Workouts 

Killer Stability Ball Abs, Booty & Arm Workout w/ Chalene Johnson

Killer Stability Ball Abs, Booty & Arm Workout W/ Chalene Johnson

This advanced workout looks tougher than it really is. The key is where you place the ball. Place the ball on your knees or upper thigh to start in an intermediate position. An advanced position is to place the ball closer to your feet or lower leg. This workout targets the abs, thighs, gluts and shoulders.

Be patient! As you get stronger you’ll be able to do more sets and reps! Also, for most people the toughest part can be building up strength, endurance and flexibility in the wrists. Again, beginning in a position with the ball closer to your upper thighs, you can take some of the pressure off the wrist and target those oblique MUSCLES!


Killer Stability Ball Abs, Booty & Arm Workout W/ Chalene Johnson

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