How He Deadlifts 3X His Bodyweight! (THE PLAN) - Leggings Are Pants

How He Deadlifts 3X His Bodyweight! (THE PLAN)

How He Deadlifts 3X His Bodyweight! (THE PLAN)

How He Deadlifts 3X His Bodyweight!

The article is about a man who deadlifts 3x his bodyweight. It talks about how he does it and the benefits of doing so.

Deadlifting is one of the best exercises for building muscle, improving your health, and increasing your strength. The deadlift is a compound exercise that works many muscles in your body. It also strengthens your core, which can help reduce back pain.

The article discusses the benefits of deadlifting along with how to do it correctly and what other exercises you can do to improve on it.

What is The Plan?

The Plan is a 3-step process for deadlifting. It is not about how to lift the weight, but rather how to train your body to lift heavier weights. The first step is the most important and should be done every week. After that, you can start adding more weight each week, until you reach your goal weight.

How He Deadlifts 3X His Bodyweight! (THE PLAN)

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