I Did 100 Squats A Day for 30 Days This Is What Happened To Me - Leggings Are Pants

I Did 100 Squats A Day for 30 Days This Is What Happened To Me

I Did 100 Squats A Day For 30 Days This Is What Happened To Me

100 Squats Per Day

I Took A Challenge: I Did 100 Squats A Day for 30 Days This Is What Happened To Me

I noticed a 100 squats per day for 30 days challenge on Facebook and I decided to take it. I wasn’t used to working out on a regular basis, I had some weight to lose and I wasn’t even sure if I could complete it but I decided to take the challenge on.

Day 1
I wasn’t able to do 100 squats all at once so I had to do sets. I did 2 sets of 10 reps 5 times spread out through out the day. It wasn’t easy. I got sore and tired but I finished it.

Day 2
I woke up with sore legs but I toiled on. I told myself, “I can do anything for 30 days.”

Day 7
After a week, I was able to do all 100 reps in the morning. I did 3 reps of 30 and then another 10 reps in the morning. It started to get easier.

Day 21
After 3 weeks, I was able to do all 100 reps in one shot. It started to feel like cardio. When I was done, my heart rate was up and I was sweaty but it was almost too easy.

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I kept going after 30 days. It’s been a little bit over a year and I haven’t missed a day. I now do 150 squats each day and they are usually complete with in the first 20 minutes of waking up. I’ve definitely developed a habit.

I’ve also added some other good habits to my daily routine.

1. I journal everyday. I end the day taking note of these things:
– what I am grateful for
– ‎ what I actions I took that day towards my dreams
– ‎ what actions I will take the next day towards my dreams
– ‎5 successes that I had that day
– ‎what made me happy that day

2. More exercise
In addition to my 150 squats each day, I also do:
-90 pushups each day
-‎150 crunches each day
-‎90 back raises each day
-‎90 butt lifts each day
-‎21 minutes of yoga
-‎11k steps each day
-‎ meditate 20 mins each day

3. I read and I write. I make sure to read for at least 15 minutes each day and write for 15 minutes early day.

Developing a good habit gives you discipline for even more good habits.

All of these habits has resulted in 3 changes in my life.

Health: I’m much healthier and thinner. I was over weight and I still have some more weight to lose. But many people have commented on my weight loss. My clothe tell me that I’m thinner, my scale tells me that I’ve lost weight and my doctor has told me that I’m healthier.

Wealth: Now that I make sure to work on my dreams everyday, I’m making more money.

Happier: This is not measurable but now that I’m healthier, wealthier and getting closer to my dreams, I feel more at peace and I’m happier.

If I hadn’t started the squat challenge, I know that I would not have implemented all of these habits into my life in the past year.

Imagine how much has changed all because I decided to try a squat challenge on Facebook. Wow!

What challenge are you open to trying?

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If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below and shared on Facebook.

Create A Great Day!

Kenny Santos
Check out my blog at kennysantos.com/
See more videos like this here: kennysantos.com/videos
Find me on fb: kennysantos.com/fbpage/

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I Did 100 Squats A Day For 30 Days This Is What Happened To Me

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